MANUEL BISCOITO is a marine biologist, specialized on environment and ichthyologist.
He started his career in the Funchal Natural History Museum in 1981 as curator and director. Along his career, he was, for several years, Director of the Science and Natural Resources Department of the Municipality of Funchal, and before that, responsible for the Selvagens Nature Reserve, Head of the Natural Park of Madeira and member of its scientific committee, and founder and head of the Funchal marine Biology Station. Currently he is the Chief of the Science Division of the Municipality of Funchal, as well as member of the board of directors of IMAR – Sea Institute, Portugal, member of the advisory committee of the Forest and Nature Conservation Institute, Madeira and member of the Portuguese Environment and Sustainable Development Council.
He is principal curator of the Funchal Natural History Museum and works mostly on deep-sea fish taxonomy, having authored or co-authored 7 books, 31 book chapters, 162 scientific papers and more than 30 contributions in symposia and other scientific meetings.
He is member of several scientific societies, namely the French, Japanese and American Ichthyologic Societies, the European Union of Ichthyologists and ICOM – International Council of Museums.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the scientific magazines Boletim do Museu de História Natural do Funchal and Bocagiana and he is regularly asked to review manuscripts for leading European and American scientific journals, in his field of work.
Country : Portugal